​Wessex Region of Technologists and Inventors
​Previously - Wessex Round Table of Inventors
Inventors' Links - Services/Support for Inventors:
3Cs Community - active community, where advice and critique comes free-of-charge for the budding entrepreneur.
Website: http://www.3cscommunity.com/
3en Ventures - early stage funding for technology businesses within Basingstoke and Deane area (Hampshire).
3form Design - product design service (Hampshire based).
A better mousetrap - Invention assessment service and the book for inventors - 'The business of invention'.
Accentus - technology inventions service (Oxfordshire based).
Advantage West Midlands - comprehensive database of grants and financing for West Midlands SMEs.
AlphaGalileo - Internet based press centre for European research in science, medicine and technology.
Angel Investment Network - connecting business entrepreneurs with angel investors.
Angel News - business angel information site.
Angels 5k - Business Angel network based in Southampton.
Angels Den - Business Angel investment matching service.
Website: http://www.angelsden.com/
Anti Copying In Design (ACID) - design led trade association & movement for change.
Website: http://www.acid.uk.com/
archive.org - internet archive of old web pages.
Website: https://archive.org/
Ask the Inventors - hints, tips and FAQ for inventors (US site).
Website: http://www.asktheinventors.com/
Association for Women in Science and Engineering (AWiSE)- UK based organisation for women involved in Science, Engineering and Technology.
Website: http://camawise.org.uk/
Attorneys & Agents directory - Worldwide listing of Patent Attorneys & Agents; Trade Mark Attorneys & Agents, Intellectual Property Attorneys.
Website: http://wwwattorneys.piperpat.com/
Bang Creations - product design company (Surrey based).
BBC Small Business site - help with small businesses.
BBC Technology News - latest news on technology.
Better Business - help, advice and magazine for small businesses.
bizhelp24 - UK on-line business resource for individuals and small businesses.
Bloodhound SSC - 1000mph car development & world land speed record attempt (sponsored by WRTI).
Board game inventors guide - practical hints and tips for board game inventors/developers.
BRIFFA - intellectual property and information technology lawyers.
British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE) - organisation for UK based women business owners.
British Business Angels Association (BBAA) - trade association for UK Business Angel Networks.
British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) - Chambers of Commerce website and business guides.
British Franchise Association (BFA) - information on franchising.
British Invention Show - the UK's largest innovation expo.
British Library - helping exploit the world's greatest patent resources.
British Library Business & IP Centre - inspiration and support for entrepreneurs and SMEs to develop their business.
British Venture Capital Association - private equity and venture capital for entrepreneurs. Website:
BTG - commercialising new technologies through investing and licensing.
'Building a viable Innovation Business' - free ebook from Causeway Venturing on commercialising innovation.
Business Across Borders - business-to-business network for SMEs, innovation hubs, trade associations, multinationals, etc..
Business Boffins - support and mentoring service for small companies.
Business Gateway - UK online guide to exploiting your ideas, starting and running a business.
Business Link - the UK's former national business advice service.
Business Network Online - connecting to leads, contacts and opportunities through a trusted network of members across the UK.
Business Startup - series of free shows covering all aspects of starting up a business. Website:
bytestart - free resource for entrepreneurs (UK based).
Cafe Scientific - scientific networking and discussion group meeting at local centres around the UK. Website:
Cambridge Hi-Tech Association of Small Enterprises (CHASE) - networking group for entrepreneurs and people interested in business and hi-tech. Website:
Caparo Innovation Centre - Wolverhampton University team helping inventors get ideas to market, with no cash charge. Website:
Carbonate - taking ideas to market, specialising in consumer sport & fitness, apparel, food & beverage, industrial products and telecommunications. Website:
Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) - MOD site for disruptive technology, new process or innovation with potential defence applications. Website:
Centre for Enterprise Research and Innovation (CERI) - consultancy and support service provided by the University of Portsmouth
Centripeta - health care innovation company. Website:
Chartered Institute of Patent Agents - professional body for UK patent attorneys. Website:
Cheshire Innovation - practical advice by/for inventors. Website:
China 2 West Services - design, production, quality control, inspection, testing and logistics service for companies seeking goods from China. Website:
CommercialiSE - linking university knowledge with business expertise in the South East providing support and funding. Website:
Companies House - online database of all registered UK company names. Website:
Concepts to Reality - mechanical design and prototyping service (Hampshire based). Website:
Connect Buzz - online business networking site. Website:
Contract Store - UK business legal document templates, some free of charge, eg 'preparing a business plan'. Website:
Copyscape - free online service to find duplicate or stolen copies of your website content. Website:
CREAX - systematic innovation methodology. Website:
DCX World - service bringing together private investors and businesses looking for early stage investment. Website:
Delphion - US patent search engine (free registration required). Website:
Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) - helping British industry increase productivity and develop world-class competitiveness. Website:
Design Council - inspiring and enabling the best use of design by the UK. Website:
Design Directory - online directory of design consultants. Website:
Dragons Den - BBC television program matching inventors/entrepreneurs with investors. Website:
DTI's Innovation Guide - practiacal guide on successfully deploying innovation in business. Website:
DTI's Innovation Report - showing how innovation is a driving force. Website:
East Midlands Innovation - innovation support and information for the East Midlands region. Website:
ECSITE-UK - UK science centre and discovery centre network. Website:
Efective Business Solutions - business coaching service (Southampton based). Website:
eMachineShop - design your own mechanical parts using free/simple to use CAD software and order parts online. Website:
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - UK agency funding research in engineering and the physical sciences. Website:
Engineering Council UK - promoting and regulating UK engineering professions (formerly the Council of Engineering Institutions). Website:
Enterprise Europe Network - information on EU legislation, help finding business partners/innovation networks and funding opportunities. Website:
Enterprise Europe Network - South West England - support service for businesses in the South West. Website:
Enterprise First - free independent advice and training for businesses and start-ups in Hampshire and Surrey. Website:
Enterprise Hub Network - networking forum for entrepreneurs and access to research, technology, innovation, business support, flexible workspace & early stage finance (around South East England). Website:
Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA) - enterprise investment for small to medium sized companies. Website:
Enterprise Nation - help to start or grow your home business. Website:
Enterprise Quest - tips, ideas & know-how, for small businesses
EUREKA - European research initiative for industry and research institutions in the area of technological R&D
European Business & Innovation Center Network - support network for entrepreneurs and innovative SMEs
European Patent Office (espacenet) - Europe's network of patent databases
Exonms.com - consultancy specialising in helping obtain government grants
Finance South East - help for ambitious companies to grow through direct investment and associated support
First Steps for Inventors - essential steps in getting established (archive copy from Inventors Alliance of Canada)
Foresight - UK science-based futures expertise identifying potential opportunities from science & technology
freepatentsonline - free online US and European patent search and retreival
Fresh Business Thinking - online business resource for entrepreneurs
FreshPatents.com - online patent search and tracking service
'From Invention to Innovation' inventors guide (US Dept of Energy)
From Patent to Profit - invention development guide (US site)
gateway2investment (g2i) - support service helping London based companies become investment ready and find investors
gencon - help using cutting edge communication technology, finding partners & funding
General Patent Corporation - a brief introduction to Intellectual Property (US site)
Gibson Index - database and newsletter for Britain's technology-based SME's
Global Ideas Bank - Global suggestion box for socially innovative non-technological ideas and projects
Global Inventions Ltd - global sales & marketing company specialising in 'high volume, low tech' types of innovative consumer products
Global Sources - online supplier directory and search engine
Global Women Innovators & Inventors Network (GWIIN) - promoting women inventors
GigaAlert - free service that runs custom searches and emails you when new results appear
GooglePatents - free patent database search
Grants & support for Inventors - information from Business Link
Grantnet - free-to-use computerised UK grants database
Greater London Enterprise (GLE) - business accommodation, support, funding and consultancy for the Greater London area
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce - support, help and advice for businesses in Hampshire
Hampshire Economic Partnership - promotion and exploitation of Innovation & Enterprise activities supporting economic growth in Hampshire
Hantsweb for Business - Hampshire County Council's business advice & support site
Health Design & Technology Institute (HDTI) - Coventry University's support for the development of new and innovative community healthcare products
HLBBshaw - Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys offering free IP Clinics (Midlands & East Anglia)
i2r Medical - service supporting health care and medical innovations
iBusinessBuzz - advice for UK based businesses
i-connect-i - online matching service for inventors and investors
IdeaBuyer.com - online resource for inventors looking to license or sell their patents
Ideas 21 - online resource for inventors and innovators
Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) - UK agency for data protection and registering to keep personal data
Inkopo - specialists in early-stage, technology-based, enterprise development (Yorkshire based)
InnoCentive - online marketplace for solving technical challenges
Innova Design - specialist prototype and small batch machining service (Hampshire based)
Innovate Design - engineering product design service for inventors (London based)
Innovation Advisory Service South East - support service for innovative growth companies in the South East
Innovation map - information about innovation and Knowledge Transfer activities, facilities and centres in South East England
Innovation Showcase - innovation news, events & companies in the Thames Valley
Innovation Tools - useful resource site for innovators
InnovationXchange (IXC-UK) - commercially neutral, not-for-profit, global knowledge network, supporting innovative technology based businesses (West Midlands based)
Innovator's Counselling and Advisory Service for Scotland (ICASS) - advice and support for inventors in Scotland
Innoverce - innovation consultancy (Tyneside based)
Insolvency Helpline inventors guide (archive copy)
inspireme - free advice guides for starting and growing a business
Institute of International Licensing Practitioners - Association commercialising invention through technology transfer and licensing
Institute of Patentees and Inventors - advice on invention and innovation
Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys - register of UK trade mark attorneys
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) - organisation for electronics, electrical, manufacturing and IT professionals
Intech - Hampshire's hands-on interactive science and technology centre
Intellect - trade body for the UK based information technology, telecommunications and electronics industry
Intellectual Property and Information Technology Update - comprehensive information on IP matters
Intellectual Property Digital Library - WIPO on-line intellectual property library
Intellectual Property - Layman's guide - introduction to Intellectual Property from ICASS
Intellectual Property Office - UK resource for Copyright, Designs, Patents and Trade Marks
International Federation of Inventors Associations - enhancing the status of inventors and co-operation between inventor associations
International Network for SMEs - association fostering cooperation in the fields of innovation and technology transfer to SMEs
Internet archive - use to find/retrieve defunct websites/pages
Introduction to Patents - in depth guide to all aspects of patenting (published by WIPO)
Invention-Europe.com - European site and directory for inventors
Invention-Help.com - invention help resource (US site)
Inventique - Innovation Magazine (back issue archive)
InventNet - US inventors network
InventorEd - comprehensive online inventor resource and discussion forum (US site)
Inventorfraud.com - help selecting appropriate/ avoiding inappropriate invention agencies
InventorResource - design, patent, legal, business plan & funding advice for inventors
Inventors clubs - UK Regional Clubs and International Associations for Inventors
Inventors Digest - US magazine and website for inventors
Inventors Guide (IDC) - free 10 page guide
Inventors Handbook (Lemelson - MIT) - essential online guide for inventors (US)
Inventors Handbook - essential online guide for UK inventors (archived copy from NESTA)
Inventors Info Point - introduction to patents, design registration, trade marks, copyright and invention promoters
Inventors-L - active online discussion forum for inventors (US site)
Inventors-UK - UK inventors directory
Invest in Southampton - online resource for businesses in the Southampton area
ip21 - Intellectual Property services (Norwich and London Based)
IP Exchange - online trading platform for selling and licensing Intellectual Property (IP)
IP for SMEs - WIPO's site and newsletter, covering all aspects of Intellectual Property for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
IP Group - technology transfer fund generating commercial value from the IP of partner UK universities
IP Healthcheck - free online tool from the UK Intellectual Property Office to identify the IP within a business and options for protecting it
IP Institute - UK not for profit group promoting the licensing of commercial ideas
IP Guide - comprehensive Intellectual Property guide (archive copy from IP Wales)
IP Menu - online Intellectual Property directory
ITE four crucial questions - Daily Mail/This is Money probe into the 'International Technology Exchange' (now defunct)
4b.co.uk - comprehensive database for finding UK grants and loans
James Dyson / inventors guide - practical guidance for inventors (archive copy)
Japan Patent Office - English site for the Japan Patent Office
Just Imagine - company specialising in providing services to inventors (Hampshire based)
​Ken Targett - Intellectual Property Service (Hampshire based)
Kingston Innovation Centre - support for inventors and entrepreneurs (Surrey based)
Knowledge Dock - Internet based support for technology entrepreneurs
Knowledge House - support service for inventors and entrepreneurs from the Universities of the North East of England
Knowledge Transfer Parnerships - helping businesses improve through better use of knowledge, technology and skills residing within the UK knowledge base
Know This. Principles of Marketing - free self tutorial (KnowThis.com)
Lawdit Solicitors - UK commercial & Intellectual Property legal services provider
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) - global network of individuals and non-governmental organizations, committed to sustainable development
licensing.biz - UK site for anyone in the business of licensing
Locate in Kent - grants, advice and support for businesses locating/located in Kent
London 2012 - business opportunities for the London 2012 Olympics
London Innovation Network - support and information for businesses seeking funding, to expand into Europe or wishing to develop technology partnerships
LoveMyIdea.com - community website for innovation sharing and promotion
Macrothesaurus - directory of global inventors resources
Manufacturing Advisory Service - helping UK manufacturers with support and expertise
Marine South East - support site for the marine industry, facilitated by SEEDA
Mathew Link - product design service (Cheshire based)
Medical Research Council (MRC) - UK agency promoting research into medical and related science
Microfunding - matching service to bring inventors, experienced managers and angel investors together
Mission Possible - online business support for early stage and growing businesses
MustGet1.com - distributor of gadgets and innovative products, some direct from the inventors
My Own Business - free online self training course for starting/growing a business
National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) - investing in outstanding ideas and the people who have them
National Federation of Enterprise Agencies - Enterprise Agency support for start-ups, micro businesses and the self-employed in Ensland
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) - promoting research into the natural environment
National Renewable Energy Centre (narec) - support organisation and service for emerging energy sources
narec distributed energy - support organisation and service for renewable and low carbon systems
New Scientist - science and technology website, links and archive
Next Step Associates - for TRIZ / Innovation services
NHS Innovations - medical innovations from within and/or for the UK National Health Service
Nine Sigma - online marketplace of technology needs listing open innovation request for proposals
Novarlis - consultancy specialising in technology transfer, business development, commercial management and intellectual property
OHIM - European Union agency responsible for registering trade marks and designs valid in all countries of the EU
Ownit - free advice on intellectual property, copyright, patents & licensing
Oxford Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation - focal point for entrepreneurship research, teaching and networking at Oxford University
Oxford Entrepreneurs - society providing inspiration, education, networking and the chance to learn the skills needed to succeed in business and start entrepreneurial ventures
Patent disputes - an example of a US patent dispute, look at this if you think you might be up to filing your own patent! (archive copy from the USPTO)
Patent FAQ - practical answers to many patent related questions (US site)
Patents and Prototypes - patent, prototype & market research services for UK inventors
Patent tutorial - online US patent guide & patent search tutorial
PDD - product innovation consultancy, spanning the consumer, medical, packaging, telecoms, commercial and industrial sectors
Pera - not for profit network/consultancy specialising in innovation and innovation grant funding
PlanetPatent - US patent search service
Portsmouth Technopole - serviced office space and support for technology based SMEs
Presentations guide - free guide to making a compelling business case of your invention (from 'Ask the Inventors')
PRIME business club - support group for the over 50s starting or running their own business
Product Resolutions - Product design consultancy (Norfolk based)
Project Management - free online project management book/course (HRA Consulting)
Prowess - network supporting women's business ownership
Purple Door - support service providing access to the expertise and facilities of the University of Portsmouth
Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) - initiative to improve the economic performance of South Hampshire.
Royal Academy of Engineering - bringing together UK engineers from all disciplines
Royal Institution - home of UK science research and communication for over 200 years
RT Coopers - Intellectual property law, commercial law, technology transfer, data protection, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
Sales and Marketing Forums - free online sales and marketing resource
Scavenger - low cost guides to specific small businesses
Scenta - online gateway to the best in science, engineering and technology
SciDev Net - global news, views and information about science, technology & the developing world
Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - science-driven UK organisation, enabling a broad range of scientists to do the highest quality research, tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions
Science Media Centre - press office for science, promoting the scientific community to the news media
Scirus - the most comprehensive science-specific search engine on the Internet
Second Mile - specialising in bringing commercial leadership to new technology ventures.
Senical - specialising in invention and innovation, from ideas through to commercialisation.
SETsquared - supporting knowledge-based entrepreneurs in Southern England
Shell Springboard - UK competition for new solutions to greenhouse gas reduction
She's Ingenious! - helping women develop and profit from new ideas
Small Business Resource Guide - useful articles on start up plans, business plans, marketing plans, finance, etc. (US site)
Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions - organisation for eco-friendly inventors, innovators and ecopreneurs
Solent Enterprise Hub - networking forum for entrepreneurs and access to research, technology, innovation, business support, flexible workspace & early stage finance
Solent Synergy - support service for knowledge based businesses in South Hampshire
South East Business Innovation and Growth - support service for innovative and fast growth businesses in the South East
South East Business Portal - tendering opportunities across the local councils and fire & rescue services of the South East
South East Growth Fund (SEGF) - Venture Capital fund investing in SMEs in South East England
Southern Area European Information Centre - help selling a product or service in Europe and finding European partners, agents and representatives
Southern Entrepreneurs - free training, support and advice for micro businesses and sole traders in Hampshire
South West Angel and Investor Network (SWAIN) - business angel network covering South West England
Stanford University 'Educators Corner' - free online self-education resources for entrepreneurs
Start Up Community - help and advice network for business start-ups
Startups.co.uk - help and advice for starting and developing a business
Start Your Own Business - free local guide for small business owners and business start ups in Southern England
SumoBrain - free patent search site (UK, European, US & PCT)
Supply2.gov.uk - online resource for accessing lower-value government / public sector contracts
Sussex Innovation Centre (SInC) - business incubator for technology and knowledge based companies in Sussex
Sycamore Innovation Management - service for UK inventors/innovators (Cornwall based)
TechEdito - free High Technology monthly newsletter and archive
Technical Innovation Center (www.triz.org) - information on TRIZ and publisher of TRIZ books
Technology Strategy Board - UK Government funded programme for collaborative Research and Development
Tech Review - technology information website and newsletter
Ten steps to a successful invention - essential steps in progressing any invention (archived copy from Kiwi Ingenuity)
Ten tips for inventors - essential tips for inventors from Cheshire Innovation
Thames Innovation Centre - serviced office space and support for technology based SMEs
Thames Valley Technology - meeting the demands of technology companies in the Thames Valley
The Chamber Awards - annual awards for business and innovation organised by the UK Chambers of Commerce
The Entrepreneur Network - comprehensive information source for inventors and entrepreneurs (US site)
The Ideas Factory - Angel Investor Network & business information resource
The Royal Society - independent UK scientific academy promoting excellence in science
The Science Lab - science and technology related website directory
TJD Patent Services - Patent advice, drafting, prosecution and IP strategy advice
TomsLaw - free legal documents for SMEs (archive copies)
Totally absurd patents - an amusing selection of some of the daftest patents ever filed
TrademarkEagle - trademark search and application service
Trevor Baylis Brands - helping UK inventors get their ideas to market
TRIZ Journal - online free monthly journal & archive for TRIZ methods of creativity & innovation
Two Little Ducks - support service for UK inventors
ud.com - free website domain and trademark usage/availability checker
UK Business Incubation - providing information on UK business incubation
UK Patent Office - UK Intellectual Property (Copyright, Designs, Patents and Trade Marks)
United Innovation Association UK - online resource for UK inventors and innovators
UK Trade & Investment - UK Government resource for exporters
US Patent Office - US Patent and Trademark Office
US patent search guide - free guide to online US patent searching (from 'Ask the Inventors')
Venturefest - annual competition and get-together in Oxford for entrepreneurs, business people and investors
Venture Navigator - self help site for entrepreneurs
Vert Business Community - training and support service for small and medium businesses
Wherritt - consultancy service focusing on electronic product realisation
Why Not open source movement - how to use everyday ingenuity to solve problems big and small
WIPO GOLD - free one stop gateway to WIPO's collections of searchable IP data
Wired Wessex - online network for new media and technology professionals
Working Model - prototyping service for inventors
Women's Engineering Society (WES) - promoting the education, training and practice of engineering among UK women
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) - harmonising national intellectual property legislation and procedures
World Technology Network - site for people working in world changing technologies
Worldwide Intellectual Property Services (WIPS) - online worldwide patent search service (fee based)
WRTI - entrepreneurs and inventors website
Yet2.com - online database to find or market a technology back to top
All trademarks, brand and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Please report any new or broken links by e-mail to: webmaster@wrti.co.uk.
WRTI maintains the most comprehensive source of information on the web for inventors:
Inventors Links
Copyright © 2003-2013 Wessex Round Table of Inventors (WRTI) - All rights reserved