​Wessex Region of Technologists and Inventors
​Previously - Wessex Round Table of Inventors
More information
Prospective new WRTI Members are very welcome to attend a club meeting, upon first contacting membership@wrti.co.uk, and signing WRTI's non-disclosure agreement.
The cost
All Club Members, Associate Members and Student Members should be over the age of 18, have an active interest in inventing/inventions and pay the relevant subscription fee - £30 per annum or pro-rata to the year ending July 31 (free of charge to Student Members).
How to apply
The WRTI membership pack/application form is available here. Note - to edit and/or print the document, save it first. Completed copies of the form together with the appropriate subscription fee can be handed in at a club meeting and/or returned to the Membership Secretary (see Contact us).
WRTI reserves the right to decline membership.